"Slot Filling"

PSSAT: A Perturbed Semantic Structure Awareness Transferring Method for Perturbation-Robust Slot Filling

Most existing slot filling models tend to memorize inherent patterns of entities and corresponding contexts from training data. However, these models can lead to system failure or undesirable outputs when being exposed to spoken language perturbation …

Bridge to Target Domain by Prototypical Contrastive Learning and Label Confusion:Re-explore Zero-Shot Learning for Slot Filling

Zero-shot cross-domain slot filling alleviates the data dependence in the case of data scarcity in the target domain, which has aroused extensive research. However, as most of the existing methods do not achieve effective knowledge transfer to the …

Contrastive Zero-Shot Learning for Cross-Domain Slot Filling with Adversarial Attack

Zero-shot slot filling has widely arisen to cope with data scarcity in target domains. However, previous approaches often ignore constraints between slot value representation and related slot description representation in the latent space and lack …

Adversarial Semantic Decoupling for Recognizing Open-Vocabulary Slots

Open-vocabulary slots, such as file name, album name, or schedule title, significantly degrade the performance of neural-based slot filling models since these slots can take on values from a virtually unlimited set and have no semantic restriction …

Learning to Tag OOV Tokens by Integrating Contextual Representation and Background Knowledge

Neural-based context-aware models for slot tagging have achieved state-of-the-art performance. However, the presence of OOV(out-of-vocab) words significantly degrades the performance of neural-based models, especially in a few-shot scenario. In this …