Novel Slot Detection:A Benchmark for Discovering Unknown Slot Types in the Task-Oriented Dialogue System


Existing slot filling models can only recognize pre-defined in-domain slot types from a limited slot set. In the practical application, a reliable dialogue system should know what it does not know. In this paper, we introduce a new task, Novel Slot Detection (NSD), in the task-oriented dialogue system. NSD aims to discover unknown or out-of-domain slot types to strengthen the capability of a dialogue system based on in-domain training data. Besides, we construct two public NSD datasets propose several strong NSD baselines, and establish a benchmark for future work. Finally, we conduct exhaustive experiments and qualitative analysis to comprehend key challenges and provide new guidance for future directions

ACL 2021
Yanan Wu
Yanan Wu
Postgraduate Student

Spoken Language Understading

Zhiyuan Zeng
Zhiyuan Zeng
Postgraduate Student

Spoken Language Understanding, Text Generation

Keqing He
Postgraduate Student

Dialogue System, Summarization, Pre-training Language Model

Hong Xu
Postgraduate Student

Natual Language Processing, Intent Detection

Yuanmeng Yan
Yuanmeng Yan
Postgraduate Student

Spoken Language Understanding, Pre-training Language Model

Weiran Xu
Weiran Xu
Associate Professor, Master Supervisor, Ph.D Supervisor

Information Retrieval, Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning