Large Language Models Meet Open-World Intent Discovery and Recognition: An Evaluation of ChatGPT


The tasks of out-of-domain (OOD) intent discovery and generalized intent discovery (GID) aim to extend a closed intent classifier to open-world intent sets, which is crucial to task-oriented dialogue (TOD) systems. Previous methods address them by fine-tuning discriminative models. Recently, although some studies have been exploring the application of large language models (LLMs) represented by ChatGPT to various downstream tasks, it is still unclear for the ability of ChatGPT to discover and incrementally extent OOD intents. In this paper, we comprehensively evaluate ChatGPT on OOD intent discovery and GID, and then outline the strengths and weaknesses of ChatGPT. Overall, ChatGPT exhibits consistent advantages under zero-shot settings, but is still at a disadvantage compared to fine-tuned models. More deeply, through a series of analytical experiments, we summarize and discuss the challenges faced by LLMs including clustering, domain-specific understanding, and cross-domain in-context learning scenarios. Finally, we provide empirical guidance for future directions to address these challenges.

EMNLP 2023
Xiaoshuai Song
Xiaoshuai Song
Postgraduate Student
Keqing He
Postgraduate Student

Dialogue System, Summarization, Pre-training Language Model

Pei Wang
Pei Wang
Postgraduate Student
Guanting Dong
Guanting Dong
Postgraduate Student

Spoken Language Understading and related applications

Yutao Mou
Yutao Mou
Postgraduate Student

Task-oriented Dialogue System, Spoken Language Understading

Weiran Xu
Weiran Xu
Associate Professor, Master Supervisor, Ph.D Supervisor

Information Retrieval, Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning