Generative Adversarial Zero-Shot Relation Learning for Knowledge Grapths


Large-scale knowledge graphs (KGs) are shown to become more important in current information systems. To expand the coverage of KGs, previous studies on knowledge graph completion need to collect adequate training instances for newly-added relations. In this paper, we consider a novel formulation, zero-shot learning, to free this cumbersome curation. For newly-added relations, we attempt to learn their semantic features from their text descriptions and hence recognize the facts of unseen relations with no examples being seen. For this purpose, we leverage Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) to establish the connection between text and knowledge graph domain:The generator learns to generate the reasonable relation embeddings merely with noisy text descriptions. Under this setting, zero-shot learning is naturally converted to a traditional supervised classification task. Empirically, our method is model-agnostic that could be potentially applied to any version of KG embeddings, and consistently yields performance improvements on NELL and Wiki dataset.

AAAI 2020
Pengda Qin
Ph.D Student

Natural Language Processing, Information Extraction, Knowledge Graph Completion

Weiran Xu
Weiran Xu
Associate Professor, Master Supervisor, Ph.D Supervisor

Information Retrieval, Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning