
1. Transfer Learning for Sequence Labeling Using Source Model and Target Data

Figure 2: Our Proposed Neural Adapter


the surface form of a new category type has already appeared in the DSDS, but they are not annotated as a label. Because it is not yet considered as a concept to be recognized.

2. Adversarial Active Learning for Sequences Labeling and Generation

本文发表在IJCAI2018上,主要是关于active learning在序列问题上的应用,现有的active learning方法大多依赖于基于概率的分类器,而这些方法不适合于序列问题(标签序列的空间太大),作者提出了一种基于adversarial learning的框架解决了该问题。 Figure 1: An overview of Adversarial Active Learning for sequences (ALISE). The black and blue arrows respectively indicate flows for labeled and unlabeled samples.


  1. Encoder&&Decoder:Mathematically, it encourages the discriminator D to output a score 1 for both $z_{L}$ and $z_{U}$.
  2. Discriminator:

Therefore, the score from this discriminator already serves as an informativeness similarity score that could be directly used for Eq.7.


Apparently, those samples with lowest scores should be sent out for labeling because they carry most valuable information in complementary to the current labeled data.

3. Zero-Shot Adaptive Transfer for Conversational Language Understanding

本文提出的模型Zero-Shot Adaptive Transfer model (ZAT)借鉴于zero-shot learning,传统的序列标注任务把slot类型作为预测输出,而本文中的模型则是将slot描述信息作为模型输入,如下图:

Figure  1:  (a)  Traditional  slot  tagging  approaches  with  the BIO  representation.  (b)  For  each  slot,  zero-shot  models  independently  detect  spans  that  contain  values  for  the  slot.  Detected  spans  are  then  merged  to  produce  a  final  prediction.

针对于同一个utterance,需要独立的经过每一类slot type模型预测结果,之后再把结果合并得到最终的输出。作者假设,不同的领域可以共享slot描述的语义信息,基于此,我们可以在大量的源数据中训练源模型,之后在少量的目标数据上finetune,并且不需要显式地slot对齐。

Figure 2: Network architecture for the Zero-Shot Adaptive Transfer model.

4. Improving Domain Adaptation Translation with Domain Invariant and Specific Information

